Monday Mornings............

Monday Mornings……

Most people start their work week on Monday mornings. It is a day that most people dread. They have just ended their weekend, and often times don’t want to go back to work.  For a pastor, our work week doesn’t start on Mondays, most of the time they start on Sundays, but they can include Saturdays as well if there is a special event going on. So, when Monday comes along, we are already a day, sometimes even two days into our work week. So, Monday mornings for a pastor, means a different thing to the parishioners.

1.   Mondays are for Damage Control
Sometimes, during the Sunday services, there are things that happen, that you can’t deal with until the next day. Sometimes its interpersonal disputes, sometimes there are things that failed, in one, or both of the services that you need to fix. 

2.   Mondays are for Counseling 
From time to time you have people you need to meet with you and you set appointments for Monday. 

3.   Mondays are for Planning 
Sunday services are in the books, now what?  
Well, for a pastor Monday is a time for planning the next service, planning the next event. 

4.   Mondays are for Reflection
Monday mornings are often a time for us to gather together and look back at Sunday’s services and see what went right, an what went wrong.

5.   Mondays are for Preparation
Again, Sunday services are over, but as a pastor, we still have Wednesday night to prepare for.

Ok, so I know you see five major things listed here, but that’s the level of work that awaits a pastor on Monday mornings. But you also have the times where services didn’t go well. When, try as you might, services don’t go near as planned, and you feel like you have failed. But in the end, you have to cling to your calling, and understand that it is Christ that has called you to the church. He is the one for whom you are serving. We are simply planting seeds, it is up to Him whether or not any seed sprouts. 

Yet, with all of these things in need of attention, I think this is the greatest job in the world.


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